Fenton St

Here is a happier thought for ending the night.  Today I took a walk to pick up our car from the mechanic.  I took a stroll down the street I grew up on.  It was a quiet street, not too long.   It takes about 15 minutes to walk from end to end.  The house look the same.  We stopped by my grandma who was making her famous mini banana loaves.  As we walked, that 15 minutes flooded my mind with all these things that were still the same.  The back yard where I had my first kiss, the places we rode our bikes for hours pretending a parking lot slot were homes and grocery stores. Where we learned to ride our bikes with no hands, wiping out and skinning our knees and who had the best trick or treat candy.  The trees we climbed and how small they were in what seems not so long ago.  The amazing neighbors and the ones you walked or rode faster past.  Where we would waive at police officers and get baseball cards.  The hours of knocking door to door selling fundraisers, waiting for the school bus, getting ready for prom and graduation and finally moving away to start my adult life.  All these memories in 15 minutes makes me hope that when my kids are my age that they have twice the amazing memories I do.  They will

have had a great childhood.

Good night, sleep tight



Throw back Thursday

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